Challenging economic times inspire people universally to make wise financial decisions. One culture that has always lived an austere, yet meaningful existence is the Amish. Increasingly, people are inspired by their lifestyle; and seek ways to simplify their own lives. Lorilee Craker is the author of the new book, “Money […]
Month: May 2022
Where “entrepreneur” is an old word and people are familiar with it well enough, “infopreneur” is quite a new terminology for many. Infopreneur is a two word combination of “entrepreneur” and “information”. Since technological advancement has taken place, it has created opportunities for infopreneurs who sell digital products or informational […]
There is still time for Congress to pick up the pieces of changing the healthcare system to help stabilize it. The fate of the Affordable Care Act is yet to be determined. In the meantime, people wait while paying extremely high premiums and have mountains of out-of-pocket bills on the […]
There is important news for those who are enrolled in Medicare from your local CPA. Open Enrollment period begins on October 15. You will now have the opportunity to make new choices for your plan. Medicare updates its plans with new coverage and costs with any change of health-care needs. […]